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The European Union decides to relax orgnaization of finance of accounting standa
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The government decides European parliament and country of European Union member 15 days relax orgnaization of finance of accounting standard help answers the crisis, new standard will allow financial orgnaization to consider risk of break a contact inside to undertake to its capital appraise is worth.

Reported on October 16 according to Xinhua News Agency, the government decides European parliament and country of European Union member 15 days the provision that modification European Union concerns value of asset of computation of the value that press city in active accounting standard, answer current financial crisis in order to help financial orgnaization better.

According to this one decision, orgnaization general need not press the finance such as the bank again the asset value on balance sheet of record of current market prise, allow financial orgnaization to consider risk of break a contact inside to undertake to its capital appraise is worth, the asset value that prevents them thereby is in the market is turbulent in by too underestimate.

According to thinking, computational asset value is worth by city in original standard, namely standard of value of so called evenhanded, “ magnified current financial crisis ” . Because be in the United States to erupt second after borrowing the crisis, the relevant asset market prise of hold of many financial orgnaization place glides considerably, must be opposite assets is extensive decrease write down, cause the market to be opposite then the panicky sex undersell of these financial orgnaization asset, create vicious circle, to the action of add fuel to the fire reaching since aggravating banking crisis.

8 years in September, the United States superintends an orgnaization to already put forward to suspend financial orgnaization using “ to press standard of city valuation ” . The long meeting of European Union money that holds last week agrees with accountant of active to the European Union international the provision that value of asset of computation of the value that press city concerns in criterion is made revise.